Sole proprietorship

Data Vitae

Christelle PERNIN

33, avenue du Général de Gaulle

74200 Thonon-les-Bains


Phone: +33 4 50 81 74 07

Webmaster :

Gonzague PERNIN

Site editor :

Christelle PERNIN

RM : 529795999 RM74

SIRET : 529 795 999 00018

APE : 1813Z

EC VAT number : FR 38529795999

Professional insurance: Generali, contract Nr AM395698

In accordance with the French Data Privacy law of January 6, 1978, as amended by the law of August 6, 2004, the collection and processing of your personal data via the Website have been declared to the CNIL and you have a right of access, modification and deletion of the processing of your personal data.

Declaration No. 1483938

Website hoster : Clicboutic

Web :  ;